There’s no better antidote for bad news than good news. Crisis fills the world and the U.S. There is crisis in the middle east, in Ferguson MO (representing the rampant racism that should be long past by now in the modern world), among undocumented people on the southern border states in the U.S. looking for refuge, among the islands in the Asia Pacific, and in nearly every other major country in the world.
When I travel, I frequently ask locals what the biggest issues facing the local population are. The positives are certainly still frequent among the answers- national events/holidays, athletic triumphs and civic celebrations. But, the negatives surface more frequently and in more dire form than in the past. In the past, the common negatives centered around poverty, government corruption or gridlock and crime. Now, many answers include daily life threat from gangs or organized crime that has overwhelmed the authorities, life threat from religious or political radicals, victimization of horrific proportions like human trafficking or natural disasters that have far exceeded the norm. Not just bad news, but devastating news. Fear inducing news.
The good news shines ever brighter. Peace makers have a bigger task. But, they are deeply appreciated and broadly recognized. People living in peace and filled with heart peace are more noticeable. Opportunities to express love in tangible ways abound. When accompanied by sacrifice, they stand out like beacons of light on a pitch-black night.
In this global condition, Jesus personal crisis becomes more than a conversation piece. It becomes a road map, an example for the ages and a longing desire. Living in Christ and loving in his name is palpable evidence that God is, God does and God will. My greatest sadness is to see the ubiquitous opportunities to love in his name not be pursued by so many. Every person who claims Christ should find a crisis to address and victims to serve in his name. Find a place of horrible news and bring the eternally good news. Pick your crisis- any crisis. Pick your expression- any loving expression that meets human need will do. Bring some good news. Let the Holy Spirit bring health, and revival as we seek justice and peace.