Unlike Any Other Day

Today is Good Friday.  On one hand, the name is the worst name possible for any given day.  On this day centuries ago, the greatest injustice was carried out against God and the greatest person in human history- one and the same person.  On the other hand, the name “Good Friday” is the best name for today.  On this day, a way was paved for our salvation.  A final sacrifice for sins was offered and millions have received the full benefit of Christ’s offering.

It is not just the name that makes the day and the event unusual.  It is the updside-downness of the whole event.  A very close friend, Peter, denied that he even knew Jesus.  Another friend, Judas, committed suicide- oddly the one with the money ended up the most impoverished.  An adversary, Caiaphas, who spoke prophetically (John 11:49) about Jesus’ long term impact would hurry to make it a reality (Matthew 26:63-65).  A thief receives forgiveness on a cross.  People hurled insults to the one who would speak forgiveness back to them.  The role of darkness and light were flipped on their heads.  The sky became black in the middle of the day.  A rich man surrenders a grave to one who would barely use it.  A temple that had kept sacred things hidden for centuries had all the sacred things exposed.  And, an unbelieving soldier was the first to proclaim that Jesus was the Son of God while believers remained conspicuously silent.  Odd indeed!

In all reality, the upside-downness of the day ultimately turned everything upright.  We look today and everything seems updside down in the kingdoms and nations around us.  Meanwhile, there another Kingdom that became full in those days that is truly the only thing rightside-up.  There, everything makes sense, justice prevails, healing begins, love abounds and hope is indefatigable.  That day, unlike any other day, is when everything seemed wrong and ultimately ended up right.  All he has touched is well.  What a Good Day- this upside-down day has become.

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