Focus can be confused with narrow. Focused sight usually is aided by limiting the field of vision. Putting distractions out of sight assumes limiting the field of vision. But, focus, in a Christian sense, should always have in mind a different primary reference- “Caring about God and what God cares about.” And, since God is bigger than our imagination can wander and cares about everything in the world, our idea of focus needs to be so fit. It really is to lean into God himself and what he wants us to care about. Of course, there would be no focus if we tried to “do it all” or “do it for everyone”. That would be impossible and would create freeze. But, I am certain that the capacity God gives his people is bigger than most of us realize. Our capacity for engagement is more than we think possible.
So, focus! That is, don’t look beyond God and what God wants of you. But, understand that God likely wants more of you than what you think yourself to be capable. I have been moved to do things or engage in ways that one might find to be beyond ability. Truth is, that was because the focus started in the right place and led to places unimagined. God forever changed even the idea of “neighbor” in the story of the Good Samaritan from a person in proximity to you to the person who needs you most. That means that our focus will be where God wants it to be, which may not be close at all. Open your focus to be an expansive one.