Jesus said several things about the Holy Spirit. He let his disciples know what this “yet-to-be-fully-displayed” member of the Trinity would do when He powerfully replaced Jesus as the Intimate Presence of God. John noted several of those statements from Jesus’ closing comments in the upper room before his arrest and crucifixion (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7-11, 13,15). Jesus said nothing in these verses about esoteric revelations, tongues or slayings. He said nothing about physical manifestations or group responses. Instead, if you read these words carefully it was mostly about teaching, conviction and reminding.
Those are less than exhilarating roles. They will never attract much attention. In fact, you will notice particularly in John 14:26; 15:26 and 16:13 that He intentionally does not attract attention to Himself. His intent is to draw attention to Jesus Christ and what He did and does for us.
I say all of that to note two truths. First, those moved by the Spirit, are moved to know and experience Jesus. That is what the Spirit of Christ does. The Person He wants you to know is Jesus Christ Himself. Second, those moved by the Spirit will be moved most in actions corresponding to conviction of sin, better understanding the truths of Christ and remembering the truths we may have forgotten about Jesus.
None of that seems to be what many may refer to being Spirit moved and Spirit-filled. But, in reality that is precisely how the Spirit wants to move us- toward the truth and Christ Himself. So, are you moved by the Spirit? Are you becoming increasingly aware of sin or more numb to it? Are you deepening in your knowledge of Jesus or about the same? Are you increasingly reminded of the truths of Christ or more forgetful about them? Theses measure the Spirit’s movement and filling. He makes Jesus more and us less in our world view.