The Power of Encouragement

I have been committed to encouragement for all of my Christian life which mirrors my whole adult life.  As a pastor, I have leveraged my calling and the time afforded by my occupation to do and say as much as possible to encourage people in their journey; encourage them through their struggles; encourage them to persevere until they find the fullness that God has for them.  And in the end, the goal is to encourage them until they find even God himself and his glorious presence over all their redeemed lives.

Now, as a bishop, I find a more distant roll in encouraging people.  It is not through week to week words or contact.  That opportunity has disappeared for the most part.  I am not in weekly contact with anyone aside from my family and staff.  Instead, now encouragement is through Sprit-led promptings to bring words or actions that fan the flame of hope from a distance.  Sometimes it is in response to emergencies or crisis that is thrust upon us or others whom I represent.

Encouragement might be in the context of a personal word.  However, more often than not, it is through the conveyance of the words and gifts of others.  As a bishop, I have become a broker of encouragement.  People have been devastated by hurricane Sandy on the East Coast and others broken by the devastation of Typhoon Pablo in the Philippines as more than 600 lives have been claimed there and thousands dramatically affected.  Hundreds if not thousands of people have generously given and helped those in greatest need by giving money and sacrifices of time and talents to help soothe the hurting and restore that which was broken.  I have the honor of representing the encouragement of thousands to hundreds if not thousands of others.

The impact of encouragement has become stark in my view from years of offering it personally and now brokering or conveying it from others.  I define encouragement as “words or actions that bring the soul of another to the place God intended it to be.”  Faith, hope and love are all bolstered there.  Perseverance is strongest where encouragement has had its influence.  Relationships are stronger that have been buoyed by encouragement.  Keep it up in any way that you can.  Offer it regularly up close.  Make it a part of your daily diet whether close-up or from a distance.  You cannot begin to grasp the full impact you are making.

And, by the way, thanks.

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