Someone somewhere is sleeping. It is a constant mix of day and night around the world at all times. I am returning from the other side of the world where folks are resting from a hard day’s labor and in preparation for another day of prayerful service. I was just there. I was with “them.” Now I am with “you” and the same thing is happening here. Their prayer and support of us is impacting our lives while they are sleeping. There is a cycle of faithfulness, prayer and dedicated service. It is an endless stream of people living for God, testifying to his goodness and living in love.
There is an additional piece. Even while you sleep, your gifts and prayer are doing something beyond your present awareness. The endless stream and ongoing cycle is carried out by many of you even as you sleep. You see, the impact of your prayer for folks far away are being answered during your night and their day. Your generous gifts and supportive relationships are being leveraged and bringing encouragement while you are sleeping. All of that happens at times and in places that exceed your understanding and even your awareness. I just happen to be one of the few people who gets to see it regularly from both sides of the world.
And, for your part, I want to let you know that the prayers and gifts of those of you who faithfully and regularly pray and give are unspeakably effective and gratefully acknowledged. I was just in a church in India where the help of American Free Methodist friends made a meeting place possible where I was able to share the good news to a packed crowd, some of whom stepped into the light of a relationship with Jesus in that moment. It is a light place in a dark environment. You were not there. But, you were appreciated and effective. A miracle occurred there. People responded to the gospel for the first time. It was because of the Lord, your gift, our availability and a pastor’s commitment.
I well remember years ago when our family lived in Asia as missionaries. Our children’s shoes were wearing out and the Christmas plan was new shoes for all four children and a brief vacation at an inexpensive, primitive beach resort. All that would consume the $300 we had saved all year for Christmas week. A few days before we were to begin the celebrations, gifts and vacation, a desperate pastor in our Conference came to our home in the middle of the night with a child dying of a tropical disease. The hospital turned him away. The prognosis was not good if he did not get immediate medical care for his child that night. And, unlike the medical system in the U.S. their insurance-lessness translated into “no cash, no care.” And, you can imagine the request- it was $300 for a week in the hospital and needed medications.
So, we did what most would do. We got dressed in the middle of the night, went to the hospital and paid the bill. The boy survived. The family was made whole. And, we thought that would be our Christmas gift. But, as God would have it, a Free Methodist women’s ministry in the U.S. had planned surprised and uncommitted support of our ministry. They sewed quilts and sold them and sent the proceeds to us without notifying us in advance of their intentions. The next day, I went to the post office, opened a letter with a check for $1,000 and a note that read, this is $700 for your ministry and $300 for your family’s Christmas.
While they were sleeping, we were crying with tears of gratitude and relief. Our faith was bolstered. Our kids were loaded into the car. A child was saved. Shoes were forthcoming. A pastor was changed- all while you were sleeping.
And, I realize that the same is true from this end. When I woke this morning, I realized that I was being bolstered by the prayer and encouragement of my brothers and sisters around the world who were just shutting it down for the night.
Chatter takes a daily rest. The phone is silenced. The email remains unattended in the cloud somewhere. However, there is no night for prayer, relationship and financial support. It is always day. Thanks for giving it up, even while you are down.