Irremovable Stain

Products abound that guarantee taking out the worst stains- coffee, ketchup, ink.  They generally work.  Sometimes, however, the stain is just too stubborn and resistant if it has been on the clothing or countertop too long.  Many-a-shirt has hit the trash bin due to the unrelenting, brown, eye sore.  The stain has officially become irremovable.

Jesus promised the irremovable stain of joy in the life of His disciples.  On the night before Jesus was betrayed, he gave hint after hint of how tough the immediate future was going to be for him and his disciples (John 13-16).  He said that he would be betrayed by one, denied by another and forsaken by all of his close associates (chapter 13).  He announced his impending departure to the dismay of his friends (chapter 14).  He revealed the inescapable and malevolent will of the world against him and his followers (chapter 15; see verses 18-19).  And, he warned them of the sober inevitability of persecution (chapter 16; see verses 1-3).

Perhaps that is the reason that there is so much about the Holy Spirit’s coming and work in these chapters.  He is called the Comforter, referenced as the new Teacher, announced as the Revealer of truth and given the charge to be the Reminder of Jesus and His words.  It is the natural flow of information, given the harsh realities.  Jesus inferred that things are not going to get better but the Holy Spirit will make everything better.  Without the Spirit, they didn’t stand a chance.  But with him they stood more than a chance.  They stood to somehow benefit more than if Jesus himself remained.  He told them “It is for your good that I am going away” (16:7).  They likely thought to themselves, “Hardly!  How could we benefit more than with Jesus right here in the room- warding off danger, healing the sick, raising the dead, answering every question with a life-giving response.”

But, the Holy Spirit’s coming has proven not to be a disappointment.  He does comfort, teach, reveal and remind every person who has come to trust in Jesus Christ for their lives and salvation.  He’s done that over and over again for me.  He’s done that over and over again for my friends who continue to trust and seek.  And, after Jesus said so much about what the Holy Spirit would do in spite of their hurt and disappointment (16:8-21), “I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy” (verse 22).  Three promises are in that sentence.  And, they all came to pass for the apostles.  He did (see them again).  They did (rejoice).  And, no one did (take away their joy).  History has spoken.

The same three promises remain today for those who see with the Spirit’s eyes.  Jesus comes to us through the Spirit.  We rejoice.  No one can take that away  The marvelous thing about joy given by the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 1:6) is that it can never be taken away (John 16:22).  Just about everything else in life is removable but the love of God and the residue of joy in those loved by God.  God’s leaves an irremovable stain of joy.  Difficult circumstances can’t get it out.  Disappointments can’t root it out.  External pressure can’t pull it out.  It’s there!  Period!

The command to rejoice always (1 Thessalonians 5:16; Philippians 4:4) is not too much of a stretch for those who have found the undying love of God and hope of Christ.  They find a resilience and joy that just will not be suppressed and will not die out.  I know.  I’ve been there; done that.  No one can take your joy.  So, Rejoice!

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