I just performed a wedding. I don’t do that kind of thing much anymore. But, congratulations to Doug and Andrea! I love the culmination of an engagement. It is full-blown, unrestricted, no-going-back, “we are one now” time for this young couple.
But the journey does not start on the wedding day. It starts with a preliminary commitment, called an engagement. That is when two people (or parties) make some stated commitments to move in a direction or connect on a deep level. It might not be the final act, but it gets one in the game.
In serving Christ, engagement is a must. You might never be a missionary, pastor or write significant materials that impact the world. But, Christ asks every one of us to engage in meeting needs, loving people, seeking God’s will, living sacrificially and putting our faith on the line. That kind of engagement pleases the Lord. The shape of the final product is up to the Lord. But, he wants to make sure that we are “all in,” engaged to do his work without reservation.
That initial commitment ends up producing wonderful finished products. Get in the game. Engage like never before and watch the Lord work. He’s saying something to you now. What is it? How will you engage in it?