Jesus lays out many reversals- first are last, least are greatest, lost are found, humble are exalted, etc. There are scores of examples where Jesus supplants human nature with spiritual nature. That causes the reversal. Many of these are curiosities to the average reader. I rarely hear people discuss the implications of these very deeply. They become a ready part of Christian vocabulary, but not necessarily part of Christian life. I am still trying to wrap my mind around how I can continually strive toward “least-hood.”
One such reversal runs thick through the New Testament. Jesus stated it and Paul repeated it. “Bless those who curse you” (Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:28; Romans 12:14; 1 Corinthians 4:12), or some such derivative. Most Christians can quote it. It is simple enough. But, it has taken a turn in the minds of many. I have heard it quoted among Christians who have been assailed by others, only to follow with the advice to ignore the person who is belligerent, irascible or mean-spirited. It goes something like this, “If that person is out to get you and has scandalized you to your face and behind your back, just ignore them. Don’t let them get under your skin.” Then, there is a sanctimonious sense that we have taken the high road if we follow that advice. May I suggest that such a response is taking no road at all.
Blessing, however, is more than ignoring. Blessing involves invoking good upon others and praying for their well-being (the other half of Luke 6:28). Blessing carries aggressively positive action with it.
The issue is not to try to turn the person around and make them happier. That is between them and God. It is not an attempt to butter them up so they won’t be so mean. That reduces our relationship to an appeal for reciprocity. The only way that blessing really works is to genuinely and with robust love offer them love and prayer support. “Make their day” rather than “avoid their wrath.” Be their friend rather than avoid their assaults. Leave the results in God’s hands. It is counter culture- not many do it. It is counter nature- not many want to do it. It is God’s will and it is incredibly freeing.
I don’t believe I have ever experienced anything so liberating as speaking kindness to and praying in earnest for those who have really wanted to make life miserable for me. There is a sense that it truly is God’s Spirit that is at work rather than our humanness. There is a palpable love and genuine hope for that person’s success. It is as transforming as winning a race. There is a victory of sorts when we are able to rise above that which normally drags down. Everyone wins when we bless. Nothing changes when we simply ignore.