
Surprises abound in life.  A couple finds out they are pregnant without trying.  A person is called into the boss's office anticipating praise for a job well done only to be fired.  A parent finds a note from their teenage child saying, "I have run away with the love of my life.  Don't try to look for me."  A person asking for simple directions to the local sports arena, instead gets directions to heaven by a loving saint and his/her life is never the same again.  These are only a few of the kinds of surprises people get every day. 

Flash back to Peter and John in the temple courts after healing a lame man (Acts 3:12).  After the healing, people were astonished.  That would seem to be a normal response.  Dramatic healing is not a common experience to many.  But, Peter, incredulous to the awe at the event by the crowd, said, "Why does this surprise you?"  He went on to acknowledge the healing in Christ's (instead of their own) power.  But, the question is an interesting one.  From the moment of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Peter seemed to "get it" like never before.  Before that time, he was surprised frequently.  He was surprised or startled at the appearance of Jesus after the resurrection.  He was startled by Jesus walking on water.  He was undoubtedly surprised at the appearance of Elijah and Moses with Jesus on the mountain.  He was startled at Jesus' arrest, lopping off an ear in haste. 

That was all before.  This is now.  That was all before Pentecost.  This is after.  One marvelous reality of being filled with the Holy Spirit, is that the surprises of grace continue (Amazing Grace and Amazed by Grace) and seem to become greater the deeper we grow in the Spirit.  But, surprises of power become less and less ("Of course He can").  Grace is "I'm thankful he did."  Power is "I'm aware he can."  Part of being filled with the Spirit is understanding that the Spirit of God which has taken me over, can take over all things. 

The funny thing is that this seems to be backward from what surprises the people of this world.  They are non-plussed, unimpressed by grace.  In fact, it is a yawner.  They don't understand the word or the experience.  But, power?  Now that is something that makes folks stand up and cheer.  Power displays produce ooohs and aaaahs.  It brings surprise to those who doubt God and challenge the notion of God's involvement in the external world.  But grace.  That is a delightful surprise to those who are being tranformed in the internal world.  I find myself smiling when I witness God's demonstrations of power.  However, I cannot stop crying at the experinece of his grace.  It takes me by surprise every time. 

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