
In the Free Methodist Church, we have an annual event in each region of the U.S.  In fact, we do the same kind of event in every region of the world.  That regional event is called "Annual Conference".  At those conferences we celebrate, do business, reconnect, receive inspiration and direction.  One of the business items of the church is to "ordain" pastoral leaders.  It is as old of a practice (setting aside leaders for unique leadership service in the church) as the Bible itself. 

In the U.S., the church has been overwhelmingly English speaking and of European descent- Caucasian.  In fact, the Free Methodist Church has not accurately reflected the balance of the society surrounding our churches in many places.  That is changing.  I have been struck by the increase of color and diversity of languages in our Annual Conferences as of late.  In fact, in the ordaining process this year, I have already given or will be giving ministerial credentials to Anglos, Hispanics, African Americans, a Fijian, a Korean, Africans, Filipinos, Chinese, Japanese, Indians and an ethnic Arab.  There may be more.  But, those are the ones I recall at the moment.  Interestingly, we have interpreters/translators in several of our conferences. 

I cannot help but celebrate the fact that the God of every language, tribe and race is finding a way to allow us to reflect the church he has been building throughout the ages.  Something wonderful happens in the celebration when we realize that God is the Redeemer and Savior of all.  Something powerful takes place when the church becomes more colorful in its praise.  Something unforgetable takes place when the praise of God transcends lines and boundaries that the world sometimes struggles to overcome.  I am blessed as a result of our church becoming more colorful.  It is a thing of beauty. 

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