He Knows

When Jesus cleared the temple, he infuriated many people (John 2:13-25).  But, then again, he knew he would.  He mentioned that as a sign, the people could destroy this temple (speaking cryptically of his body) and He would raise it in three days.  They didn't understand.  But, he knew that they wouldn't.  They would later use that claim against him to his undoing and death.  But, he knew that as well.  Verse 25 tells us "No one had to tell him what people were like.  He already knew" (CEV).  

The great thing about Jesus, is that he knew alot.  But, he still went to the cross.  He knows what a mess people are in today.  But, he still acts graciously even with this his knowledge.  I am grateful that he knows.  That is truth.  I am grateful that he cares and blesses us anyway.  That is grace, love and mercy. 

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