Trouble in India, genocide still brewing in central Africa, people crumbling under the weight of life in the western world- one cannot travel far enough to escape difficulties. They follow us wherever we go. Whether we are listening to people talk about global warming or relationship cooling, there is a sense of despair that takes very little effort to find.
But, God’s “grace is sufficient” (2 Corinthians 12:9). It is not the measure of our faith or effort that will ever do enough or be enough. God’s grace is sufficient, enormous, encompassing, exceeding. It is “this grace in which we now stand” (Romans 5:2). And it is grace- that benevolent gift that is not only more than we need, but more than we deserve and more than we can fathom.
My best and most fitting response is a consistent and regular, “Thank-you!” to God and “Will you join me?” to others. I rest in his grace filled salvation. I hope in his grace filled promises. I experience his grace filled second opportunities. I rebound by his grace filled assurances. I breathe in his grace filled presence.
Grace is such a foreign term to this world. The world is run by expectation, earning, trends and insulating oneself from disaster. Grace is neither part of the vocabulary nor a dependable commodity to those who have not sensed it. But, it is what I live by. I was saved by God’s grace and I do everything that I do on the basis of knowing the reality and power of God’s grace. By God’s grace I can say, “There is an answer”, and “Trust me, it get’s better”, and “God is not surprised or undone by these events”, and “There is never need for fear or worry.” His grace is enough.