Some things are up in the air- the result of the presidential election, the menu for tonight’s dinner, the grade on the test I will take in class, my boss’s reaction to my business report, etc. In fact, most things are up in the air. We need to do our best and surrender the results. Those things are all up in the air.
What doesn’t need to be up in the air, however, is the core of our trust if our trust is in God. Trust is, after all, putting our entire energy, confidence and security in something. That is perhaps why the devastation is so complete when a spouse betrays the trust of their mate by having an affair with another person. That is why parents can shatter the trust of their children by faithless behavior or demonstrating that the children’s best interests weren’t the primary interests of the parents. The question I receive most of the time in those settings is, "How can I ever trust them again?" The trust was complete and the fall equally complete. Full trust leads to either increased disappointment and heartache (if the trust was in a failed relationship) or to greater confidence and joy (if the trust was placed in an increasingly trustworthy source).
Psalm 84:12 says of God, "what a joy for those who trust in you" (NLT). Or, "blessed is the man who trusts in you" (NIV). In my experience, ultimate joy or blessing is not something up in the air. I have found that trusting in God Almighty pays great dividends. He is trustworthy with everything we put in his hands. He cares completely for us. We will not be disappointed as some have been when confidence and trust has been completely placed in family and friends, work or play, our skill or mind. God is completely worthy of our trust and confidence.
And, he adds something to those who trust in him. Additionally, he does something to the heart of those who place their confidence in him. He instills a joy that will never diminish. I have found that to be true. He makes us feel "blessed" for trusting in him. All those I know who place their confidence in God have found the same to be true.
Why does he do it? Why doesn’t the verse just say, "it is good for people to trust in you"? Why doesn’t the Psalmist just make it a command, "Trust in God!" Why would Jesus say, "Blessed is the one who . . ." (Matthew 5:1-7). Why wouldn’t he just quote the Nike commercial and say, "Just do it!" Because God is good. He does not just demand trust in him without filling the trusting servant. He just does it. I am deeply thankful for it.