Making Good

My father left me a good example in one particular area of life that has served me well- "Fulfill your promises, responsibilities and commitments.  Don’t say you will do something unless you fully intend on doing it and have made certain you are able to do it."  We were not allowed to quit on sports, classes, musical lessons or work responsibilities that were ridiculously hard for kids to handle.  I would like to say that I have always made it.  However, that is not totally the case.  There have been a few impediments along the way to the word "always".  First, at times I have had good intentions, but poor planning.  I remember at least a few times starting a ministry with what I believed to be the right timing, ownership, participation to make it happen.  But, I wasn’t able to get it off the ground.  Second, I have a bad memory.  I remember sharing with a youth group years ago that I was a pretty good bowler and challenged them with a fun incentive for the midnight game, that I would buy a steak dinner for anyone who could beat me.  One student did but I forgot after the night was over.  It was over two years later that someone reminded me of my commitment that had slipped my mind (a promise unwisely made at 2:30am).  I sought the student out when it was brought to my attention.  He was then in college and we had a great dinner together.  Third, I have shot too high at times.  There have been a few times where I committed to something that needed the approval of others or the skill of others or was beyond my own skill level or common sense.  I remember saying to my wife when we were married.  We will ALWAYS have a time of devotions and prayer on a daily basis.  Well, I didn’t think about jobs that would take me away, kids who would be active in sports that took them out of town and days that would disintegrate into multi-directions.  I am delighted that, for the most part, it was a regular part of our spiritual diet.  But, we didn’t make it to ALWAYS. 

The fact of the matter is, I’m pretty good at follow through and fulfilling responsibilities.  I believe anyone who knows me would confirm that.  Still, I come up short at times even when I try to measure my words and steps well and carefully. 

I mention that to say that even at our best, it is easy for us to make promises and tough to fulfill them.  That is likely why we are cautioned in the Bible about vowing, making oaths and doing much beyond just saying "yes" and "no".  God knows our limits and coaches us to better understand them.  But He, on the other hand, has NO PROBLEM AND A PERFECT TRACK RECORD AT FULFILLING PROMISES, KEEPING COMMITMENTS, CARRYING OUT HIS RESPONSIBILITIES AND SHOULDERING HIS END OF COVENANTS.  The writer of the book of Joshua said after they had taken and settled the land, "Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything He had spoken came true."  It only takes a brief trip through the first six books of the Bible to see how true that was, even when all of the people doubted God’s ability or willingness to do what he promised. 

So, when the Father and/or the Son later promised extraordinary peace, his return, unusual and precious love, a good future, eternity, meaning out of struggle, that we would do things just as great as what the apostles saw him do, the ability to do immeasurably more that all we could ask or imagine, and abundant life beyond what we could craft for ourselves, we can rest assured that if he hasn’t yet delivered, he soon will.  God makes good on his promises, commitments, responsibities and covenants.  He never suffers memory loss.  He has never fallen victim to poor planning.  He certainly has no problems with "shooting too high" beyond his ability or authority.  Even with our best intentions, we fall short.  God has the intentions and the wherewithall to get the job done. 

In our family, we are unpacking surprising little promises that are daily being fulfilled even in trying times.  It is incredible what God can do when we are unable.  He just never forgets.  He keeps pulling things out of the hat that blesses us beyond what we would have thought possible.  One promise he made that has been a daily certainty and a reality today, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  And how!

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