Give us this day . . .

I love the Lord!  As a result, the natural love response is telling Him so.  That is the incentive for praying.  I believe anyone who loves God passionately will be inclined to want to tell him so- frequently.  And then what follows the "I love you" will take many shapes.  Because we love him, we love what he loves and pray accordingly.  Because we love him, we love to do what he wants us to do and pray accordingly.  And on it goes.  I come back to the Lord’s Prayer often.  The other day, as I sat bedside with my son in the hospital I was praying that prayer.  I did something I have never done.  I was at the point "Give us this day. . . " and I stopped.  I said it over and over, "give us this day".  I didn’t have anything special to ask for.  I know that "our daily bread" is supposed to follow.  But, I was not even asking for bread; just the day in which bread might come.  I was praying that we could get through this day with joy and thrill and commitment and relationship and increasing faith.

I believe the more thankful we are, the simpler our requests are.  The sentences shorten.  The love of God will drive us to ask for only the basic gifts from him and enjoy them thoroughly.  I am thankful for this day and whatever it will hold.  God has given it.  I have asked for it.  We are in relationship in it.  Praise His Holy Name! 

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