I live in the Pacific Northwest. It is one of the greenest areas of the world, literally and socio-politically. In fact, there are more hybrid cars than seagulls. There are more recycle bins than trash bins. I have found it difficult in some public places to find a trash recepticle though recycle bins for papers, plastics, bottles, and a host of other lesser used items are everywhere. Green conversations abound here. Houses are built to be completely free from conventional energy dependence. Bicycles are given almost hallowed sanction in every setting. Cyclist commuters are venerated. They are no longer the second-classed citizens of the road.
And, I’m on board with much of this. It is responsible living. I recycle, sometimes painstakingly so. We conserve gasoline by combining as many needed stops into as few trips as possible. Being the competive sort anyway, I enjoy watching the gas economy meter on my car as I time my slowdowns, conserve on quick acceleration and braking. I don’t drive if I don’t need to. My yard has suffered. But, I don’t water if I don’t need to. I’m there. I understand that "creation care" is the first (Genesis) and still one of the primary responsibilities as we will stand before the Creator giving an account of our care of His creation. This is and should be a Christian concern.
Having said all of that, I am somewhat amazed at the degree of energy, fervor, zeal, enthusiasm, dedication and life altering patterns in which people engage on these matters. It is THE buzz in this area. It carries a passion tantamount to having a child, marriage and the bliss of entering the eternal presence of Christ. Where did this come from? The zeal is not misguided, misplaced or inappropriate. But, it is making a part into the whole. It reminds me of those who reduce the value of "work" to "wage," or those who confuse "fun" with "joy", or those who believe "sex" and "love" are synonyms. There are greater and lesser things. Going green is not the exclusive reason for our existence. Seeking God’s salvation, present and unfolding Kingdom and will for humanity is. Our conservation is necessary for survival and helpful to fulfill God’s charge to us. But, "greenness" has become, on many levels, a substitute for worship of God. It is a new animism; a new idolatry. It was intended to be part of our comprehensive responsbility, not the object of our worship. I am a "green" person. But, I am first "God’s" person. This should be an expression of our love for God, people and the world over which we have a stewardship responsibility. But, as a child of God, I will commit myself to the lesser, while seeking the greater.
As we love God, we care for his creation. In this world that is fixated on the creation, we must incorporate our love for the Creator and insert it naturally into that conversation. Otherwise, we are only green little people on green little earth.