Inspired by New Friends

I am just returning from whirlwind trips around the globe.  I am just letting the events sink in.  God is faithful.  He is good.  I am an eye witness.  I always have been, whether or not I have been complicit and attentive to the glory and evidence of God’s presence that I see. 

Along my most recent journey was a meeting with the African Heritage Network of the Free Methodist Church.  This gathering was truly a blessing me and Marlene.  I met new friends.  But, not just new friends.  These are God praising, in the trenches, gifted and humble servants of the Lord who are doing great work in some very difficult places.  I heard the Word of God preached and taught with accuracy, power and sensitivity.  We prayed and laughed together.  We wrestled with difficult realities in ministry and proposed some solutions.  All in all, it was an inspiring event with deeply committed pastors who desire nothing less than blessing God and striving toward Kingdom growth and health. 

The church needs to seek out, lift up, come alongside and parnter with our African American churches and pastors.  This vibrant part of the Kingdom is worthy of our encouragement and blessing. 

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