Welcome to this site and my world.

I am delighted that you have taken time to visit.  Many who find themselves on this page are here with the question, “Who is this and what does he value or have to offer the church?”  Good question. 

Along with my wife, Marlene, and four children and their families, I am a person in deep pursuit of God’s will for my life and the church.  After entering a deep and transformed life through embracing the salvation that God offers through his son Jesus, I have been on a journey to honor God, prepare for heaven, include others and change the part of this world that has lost its way.  That has included service as a pastor, educator, church planter, missionary, superintendent, consultant, justice advocate and conference speaker since 1979.

I believe in God:  Father, Son and Spirit.  I believe his church is his body, family and bride- all terms which evidence God’s presence, future plans and cherished love.  As a result, I am committed to see God glorified and his church enlarged and deepened.  The Free Methodist Church is a marvelous clan within God’s vast community.  Through this part of his family, we will do whatever we can to see the church reflect God’s holiness and love for the world.

My jurisdiction, as a bishop of the Free Methodist Church of North America, is general with my colleagues, David Kendall and David Roller.  My specific geographic oversight includes the western United States and our conferences in Asia.  If you have questions pertinent to these specific areas, please feel free to contact me. 

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